Wedding in Prague - White Prague Wedding Agency

About Czech Republic

About Czech Republic

Since time immemorial, the Czech lands have been the crossroads of European cultures. The cultural character of Czech cities, villages and spa towns has always been a source of inspiration to visitors and guests, who come here from all corners of the world. The Czech Republic, among the youngest in the family of European countries, was born on January 1st, 1993, when the Czechoslovak Federal Republic split into two independent states, the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic.

Since May, 2004, the Czech Republic has been a member of the European Union; the country has not adopted the Euro yet, however, and still uses its national currency, the Czech crown.

Even though the Czech Republic’s area of 78,864 square kilometers (about 30,450 square miles) ranks it among small countries, its wealth of natural beauty and monuments of cultural heritage contribute greatly to its global prestige as a major cultural destination.

Geographically, the country (population: 10.3 mil.) and its historical lands (Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia) are divided into 14 local administrative units controlled by regional administrations.

Czech Republic has the most chateau and castles per square mile of any country in the world, where some of them can become your wonderful wedding site. White – Prague Wedding Agency offers you the following romantic castles and charming chateaux as the setting for your unforgettable wedding ceremony and celebration in Czech Republic. Continue here to learn more about the Royal Packages for CastleChateau weddings in Czech Republic.

For more information about Czech Republic, please continue here.

Dine and Wine in Prague & Czech Republic

In Prague & Czech Republic, you can find restaurants with many different cuisines and price levels. While Czech food once consisted of many variations of gravy, meat and dumplings, an increasing number of restaurants, especially in Prague, serve not only imaginative variations of local dishes but also foreign delicacies, from all around the world. Virtually overnight Prague became a gourmet’s paradise, where you can bite on a roasted pork leg in a local beer hall or eat in the state of the art Michelin awarded restaurants.

The Czech Republic, along with Prague, is famed for its beer brewing. It is not uncommon to find a brewery in every other town, since beer has been part of the Czech culture for centuries. Some of the Czech beers can be proudly considered to be the best in the world, easily becoming a Czech national heritage. The Czechs have an old saying: “Kde se pivo vari, tam se dobre dari,” which essentially means, “Where beer is brewed, well being is assured”. Besides beer the Czech Republic, most significantly the Moravian region produces a fair amount of wine as well. The whites are comparable to some of the best German Rieslings and the reds provide for an enjoyable dinner drink.

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